Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Fabulous Puking Cat

I love my cat, she is my familiar. She is also an inveterate shredder, and every two weeks regardless of brushing, she spits up a spectacular hairball, which is easy to pick up, and occasionally some other wonderful things like half undigested food (usually if I don't take her food away after she throws up the hairball and gets hungry then overeats and starts throwing up again :D)

Cat people will appreciate this, dog people will probably find it disgusting...but hey, she doesn't pee on the floor, she is as affectionate as any dog, follows me everywhere, and is there all the time. A few hairballs is really a minor tradeoff, albeit a bit disconcerting when she insists on doing it when we are sleeping, particularly on our duvet cover. So, this morning we had to push her off the bed and I had to go to the first floor which is wood so any pukiness could be cleaned up with a minimum of mess. Of course, there is a bed there too and because of my mid cleaning cycle, there are also nice things on the floor like 2 dollar a sheet photo paper (in package) and lots of jewelry...soooooo inspiration to pick up I guess.

above you will see the infamous puker. Her name is Aura, and it took me three years to get this image. It seems that the only time she will actually look at my camera or allowing me to photographer her is in the middle of the studio shoot as seen in the other photo.
The model is Kordelia Devonshire, and this is one of my favorite bodyscapes, Alas, it is too 'weird' for omp....I could post it there with my chicken bodyscape, but I leave those images for here. I'll have to find the chicken photo later....anyhow, off to bed since I have been up since 7am, but I will be back later with more photos and updates on my life. I will not be photographing hairballs yet.


Richard Bublitz said...

Well.... welcome to the world of blogging Krista. Thanks for the notice. Have fun here. I'm not too big on cats though.


DanielaKenzie said...

I adore your cat. I have some great photos on my phone of you guys. :p

Rebecca Lawrence said...

Now, this should be interesting. I'm looking forward to much more Lapis Hotel!

CarlyErin O'Neil said...

haha. we'll see alot of each other's pussy :P

Anonymous said...

AURA! <3